Arming yourself with the facts about toxoplasmosis transmission can keep you safe and ensure that you are not making decisions about living with a cat based on sweeping falsehoods.
Eight Strikes Against Fishy Feeding for Cats
Worrisome links to feline hyperthyroidism, vitamin E depletion, and urinary tract problems are just a few reasons to avoid feeding fish to cats.
Veterinarians and Nutrition: It’s Not What You Think
We like to think that the veterinary professional in the white coat knows a lot about a cat’s nutritional needs. Some information suggests their nutrition education is minimal and often compromised by vet school affiliations with pet food companies.
Ergonomic Kibble is Just Silly
The idea that specific breeds of cat have genuinely unique nutritional needs – or do better on specially shaped kibble – is just plain silly.
Pet Food Ingredient Labeling Sleight of Hand
Ingredient splitting on pet food labels is a way to include a lot of grain sources, each listed separately – and which may appear at first glance to be a minority ingredient.
Sometimes Chicken Isn’t Exactly Chicken
Hone your pet food label reading skills by learning a few tricks of the trade that pet food companies use to describe the ingredients in their formulations.
Decrypting Food Labels 101: Understand Dry Matter Basis
Pet food labels are not very consumer-friendly, but learning even a little bit about a key concept – dry matter basis – can help you know what you DON’T know about the quality or availability of protein in a food.
How Much and How Often
There is no one-size-fits-all answer about exactly how much to feed a cat, but there are some rough guidelines I follow.
Periodontal Disease Page Available in Korean
Thanks to two very time-generous website visitors, the page about feline periodontal disease is now available with a Korean translation.
Dry Food Accounts for Most Contamination Disasters
A direct quote from Dr. Lisa Pierson's fantastic website. She sums it up better than I ever could. I don't think that a single cat or dog caregiver in the US is not aware of the thousands of cats and dogs that suffered tremendously and died - or have been left with...