Many Common Lilies are Poisonous to Cats

Many Common Lilies are Poisonous to Cats

Exercising extreme caution with houseplants that are potentially toxic to cats is essential. Pay special attention to lilies because many common ones can poison our feline friends.

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Chunky Value

Chunky Value

Revisiting the value of offering “chunked” meat to cats as part of a wholesome diet.

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Long Overdue Website Refresh

Long Overdue Website Refresh

The long overdue updating of this website is finally complete. My apologies for the years of site neglect but, you know, life happens.

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Don’t Starve a Fat Cat

Don’t Starve a Fat Cat

Hepatic lipdosis – a dangerous condition in which fat accumulates in individual liver cells – is a real risk for obese cats that stop eating altogether.

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Pilling Cats Safely

Pilling Cats Safely

No one wants to have to give a pill to a cat, but if you do, learning how to do it safely so you protect kitty’s esophagus is a wise idea.

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Vaccine Common Sense

Vaccine Common Sense

Inquiring into the wisdom of the dominant paradigm regarding annual revaccination of pets is a worthy endeavor.

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